So sorry for not being good at keeping our blog updated - I've never been very good at that kind of stuff. Well a lot has changed since my last blog. As everyone knew I was pregnant with baby #2. I was actually able to carry her to 34 weeks and Anna Elizabeth was born on April 1, 2007 (April Fools!) at 6 lbs. and 18 1/2 inches long with a head full of hair. I never imagined having 2 babies with a head full of dark hair (although Mary Mac's is now blonde). We were shocked to learn after she was born that she was born with a congenital heart defect called Pulmonic Stenosis which could possibly require surgery to correct at some point in her life - so far so good - we actually had a great check-up with our pediatric cardiologists at Children's yesterday, so our prayers for our baby are being answered daily! She is otherwise completely normal and healthy and does not appear to have any problems and will more than likely lead a normal life with no limitations - Praise God! Please continue to pray for our miracle that we will never have to face heart surgery!
As for Mary Mac, she has adjusted well to being a big sister and it just warms our hearts to see her young love for her sister already beginning to blossom! It is amazing how quick she seemed to grow up the day that Anna was born - it was like she immediately knew that she was now expected to be the "older" one. It made the tears flow during those first few days. But, now we are 4 months down the road and I've come to terms that they both have to grow up and that's just part of life - as much as I want them both to stay babies!
Well, also in the middle of my pregnancy, we decided that we needed more room in our home and started building our dream house! I know, I've lost my mind trying to do all of this at the same time! We have finished the house and have been moved into it now for a little over a month and still trying to get settled. The stress has been a little trying, but I think we have finally settled down and are loving the new house and enjoying making our house a home for our family!
That's pretty much our lives in a nutshell over the past 6 months or so. I'll try to do a better job at keeping our blog up-to-date.