I know I'm a little behind, but I have been having some computer issues and a few things going on, such as Easter and Anna's 1st birthday party! I am still in the process of trying to learn how to create my own profile, so continue to check back in to see what I've been able to create (which is nothing at this point - ha!).
Also, for those of you who have not gotten an update on my precious angel Anna's last cardiologist check-up - we got another great report! Yeah!
To catch everyone up to speed, Anna was born with a congenital heart defect called Pulmonic Stenosis, which basically means that the valve that opens from her heart to her lungs (pulmonic valve) does not open as far as it should and has thicker walls than it should. We did not learn of this defect until she was born and her pediatrician heard a very loud and prominent murmur. I, being a former neonatal nurse and a little in denial that something could be wrong, just knew it was nothing more than a VSD or something that most babies are born with. Unfortunately, it was not and was something potentially much more dangerous. At her first appointment (first of many through this first year) with a pediatric/neonatal cardiologist at Children's Hospital, Dr. McMahon was very upfront and told us that he suspected that she would have to have surgery to help alleviate the pressure in her heart (basically like an angioplasty in older adults, but with the valve instead of vessel) before her 1st birthday, and possibly before that! Well, fast forward to today and lots of prayers later, we went for her check-up in early March and he saw no change in her pressures and does not want to see her again for another year! Praise God! We are so blessed and thankful for all the prayers and miracles for our little angel's "heart"! She is absolutely normal and no one would ever know by meeting her and seeing her that she has a heart defect - she is right on target with everything physically and developmentally! Hooray!!!! We could not be more relieved, but also keeping in mind that this does not mean that she will never have to have it done - so continue the prayers!