Did I really say that I was looking forward to Summer? Well, maybe that was a little delusional on my part. I think I had visions of everyone sleeping late, no school, no where to be, playing in the backyard in the sprinklers (happily and together), spending hours at the pool, etc. NO WAY! Let's just say that nothing really has changed except that I am trying to fit in a few hours of work in the morning and trying to keep the girls entertained and happy (and getting along) the rest of the day.
This week we've had Vacation Bible School for MM (which she has loved) and I put Anna in school (her old class) for the week so that I could have a little time to get stuff done. It was a much needed break for all of us! The girls had been on each other's nerves from too much time together and they got to see and play with their friends. Next week MM has tennis camp and A will have a ballet camp in July. This weekend we have a family reunion so we have not slowed down AT ALL!
I may have forgotten (in my absence of blogging) to tell everyone that we (meaning my parents and Sam and I) have just become rightful owners to a little lake house here in T-town. It is nothing special but very SPECIAL to us as we are so looking forward to the memories we will surely create in this little peace of HEAVEN ON EARTH. We all love the beach, but it's just getting harder and harder to get to the beach as much as we would like. So now we have a refuge much closer to home! We have spent many nights there already and will spend many more over the summer (and year around, I'm sure). In addition to the house, Sam and I surprised the girls and my parents last weekend with another toy for the lake - a SeaDoo! It is so fun and we have all enjoyed it so far (except for Mom who is NOT a water-lover by any means!).
And I almost forgot...I am posting this blog via our new Mac computer. I am so pumped to finally have a computer at home that works! Up until this point, I've only been able to use my "work" computer to post. I cannot wait to upload my pictures (yes, that means more posts to come) when I have more time to upload them to Blogger.
My next mission this summer is to learn to sew. You may remember that my parents gave me a sewing machine for my birthday 2 YEARS AGO!!! It has collected dust until now...I am determined to learn how to at least fix the girls clothes, and maybe a few more things! I'll keep you posted on those projects too!