Friday, July 29, 2011


Before I start updating the blog, I want to take a minute to say I am such a slacker! Well, not really, but in the blogging world I am! I have not even updated my pictures or headers or anything since the arrival of Kirby! Actually, the pictures on our header are sooo old too! I am not apologizing anymore for lack of posts, but just excusing it with the simple statement that I am now a mom of 3 kiddos and I work (well, officially I go back to work August 1)! Enough said!

Now on to the good stuff, but I promise not to bore anyone. In a quick summation of what has been going on in our world since the arrival of Kirby, I will do a quick list because it's too much to detail:

1)school got out and I stayed home (for the most part) with the kids for the summer - what was I thinking? I have learned that I am definitely NOT a stay-at-home mom! The girls have driven each other and me crazy!
2)signed the girls up for all kinds of camps and activities for the first part of the summer while I tried to get adjusted to life with 3 - little did I realize that when I scheduled all of these activities, I would be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to drop off and pick up and keep Kirby on some sort of schedule. The poor baby had many a bottle in the car and many a nap in his car seat!
3)spent some awesome quality family time at the lake house - and got a few good, full nights sleep while my parents got up with Kirby at night!
4)took a last minute trip to the beach for 5 days - it was a much needed/deserved break from the monotony of staying at home!
5)started Crossfit (and eventually the Paleo diet) to get this body back in shape once and for all after having babies! Man, I didn't realize how out of shape I really was until I started Crossfit. Back in the cheering days, I was used to doing hundreds of crunches/sit-ups a day - it was a HUGE blow to my ego when I could hardly do 10 sit-ups those first couple of weeks! Yes, I realize that I was just 6 weeks out from my 3rd C-section, but still...UGH!
6)now we are all sooooo ready for school to start back. I've decided that this is the true reason for summer break - the kids (and parents) are so excited to not have to be up and out the door on a schedule for a little while and then we all get bored and tired of each other and tired of all things summer (the heat mostly) AND then that's when it's time to get back in the groove of school days again! It's a welcome relief! Mary Mac starts 1st grade in a couple of weeks, Anna starts her first day of her last year in preschool on August 1, and Kirby starts his first day ever of preschool on August 1!

All of that being said, and I know it sounds like I've not enjoyed my summer with my kids, it has been a GREAT summer with lots of great memories and times! The girls have gotten so big and mature and Kirby is growing leaps and bounds! For him to have been so sick in those first couple of days of his life, he has just progressed and grown so much so fast! And he LOVES his big sisters! They make him laugh already all the time! We have been most surprised at how good and involved Mary Mac has been with him. She has never been much of a baby-lover, but she wants to do everything with him AND she's very good with him! I'll post pictures later, but for now, I'm out!
