Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I know I know...where have we been?

Ok, so sorry for the lack of posts and a lack of pictures on this post, especially from Christmas! To be honest, I'm not really sure if we got any pictures from Christmas this year - so sad, but true! We have had a heck of the past several weeks and to keep from boring you here is a quick synopsis of our lives: the girls have both had colds off and on for about 3 weeks now; I got food poisoning and then was in a panic to try and get everything finished before Christmas after being in the bed for 2 full days; we went to Mobile to see my mom's family and Mary Mac had a fever virus at the same time that lasted for 5 full days; we had to put my other grandmother in the hospital that same weekend; Christmas Eve and Christmas morning came and went in a flash; my grandmother (the one in the hospital) passed away Christmas day (more on that later); more family Christmas events and and gatherings; planned a funeral; more family (as in my brother's family and Sam's sister's family came in town)! Whew!!!! I know it's a lot in the span of about 2 weeks. We are all still trying to grieve and celebrate and recover! When I get caught up at work and home, I will post more on the loss of my grandmother and the special things that have taken place as a result as well as my thoughts and feelings in regards to our loss! We are also all still battling with colds and have had to put sweet Anna on another round of antibiotics for an ear infection. Oh the fun the winter time and kids! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Excitement is building

The Christmas excitement is building at our house and Santa is trying to finish up those last minute gifts! Its been a struggle though the past few days as I have been suffering from food poisoning since Sunday morning! I am finally on the mend, but just trying to build my strength back up! Needless to say, I have been worthless and have not felt like getting those last minute things done. We are supposed to be going to Mobile Friday for the weekend with my mom's family! Hopefully I can get it all done before next week AND get everything organized for our annual Christmas Eve Chili and Cheer for our family, friends, and neighbors!

I also have a prayer request for those of you who are prayer warriors. . .one of our beloved babysitters aunt's is undergoing a biopsy on her lungs. Please pray for a good report and quick recovery! Also, we are praying for all of us (and all of you) that we all stay healthy and happy for this joyous time of year as we celebrate the birth of Our Savior!

Monday, December 08, 2008

More Pics

These are Sam's tacky good luck pants for the Auburn game!!! If you can't tell they have tiny script A's all over them - he should have worn them this past weekend! Too funny!
Snowflake at work again - if you can't tell he spelled out "Hi Mary Mac, B Good 4 Santa!"

Again, Snowflake rolled the tree!

Pictures I Promised. . .

Merry Christmas from our house (literally) to yours!
My Little Kitchen Helper
Snowflake on the fan

A Country Christmas

All I have to say is . . .AAHHHH! What a nice weekend we had! Sam's mom, his 2 sisters, and I planned a girl trip to go to A Country Christmas this past weekend in Nashville. We went all out too. We got a room at the Oprland Hotel with a balcony overlooking the Delta Atrium and it was awesome! Our balcony actually looked directly over the huge waterfountain that they had programmed to with music every hour. The decorations were amazing and I have no idea how they take care of all of the plants they have planted - I struggle with the 3 or so real ones in my house! Thursday we went to the Grinch Ice exhibit where they recreated scenes from the movie but it was all made of ice in all the bright colors of the movie. It was freezing in there (obviously) at a cool 9 degrees and they gave you a coat as you went in. They also suggested not leaving your camera on because the cold would run your battery down - had no idea that was possible! Then that night we went to the Rockettes show and had fantastic seats - center section on the 7th row! I don't know if you all would agree, but I personally think I have legs like that naturally. . .HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Friday we went on the General Jackson Showboat and then to the Grand Ole Opry which is being held downtown in its original place, The Ryman Auditorium. It was neat to be there and listen to all the old-school country music. The only names we knew were Marty Stewart and Emmylou Harris, but it was good none-the-less. Then our final day was spent at the Treasures Craft Show and just walking around the enormous resort. That night after watching the SEC spanking game until half-time, we had tickets to the Louise Mandrell Dinner Show. She was so cute and funny and totally talented! I think she played about 15 different instruments and sang and danced. Well, lets just say she tried to dance - that was not her best talent! We all agreed that she needed to be nominated for the next season of Dancing With The Stars because she could use the training and she is talented enough that she would be able to make huge improvements! We had a fantastic time together and it was a nice break from the kids. Thanks so much to my sweet and wonderful husband for not only letting me go and leave him with the girls for 4 days, but for also encouraging me to do things like this and making sure that I have nothing to worry about while I'm gone! I loved spending time with Sam's family too especially without kids around - they make me feel like another sister and I appreciate that more than they know!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and More. . .

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week - as was everyone else, we have been busy decorating, celebrating, and cheering (in a few short words)! We had a great Thanksgiving this past week. It was kind of quiet which is unusual for us at holiday time. Normally we have all of my family (and I mean ALL) at my house for Thanksgiving dinner, but with several circumstances out of our control, my parents went to my brother's house to celebrate with them this year, my grand parents and extended family stayed in Mobile and celebrated, and Sam's siblings all went to thier in-laws, so it was just Sam's parents and our family. It was cozy, relaxing, quiet, and perfect. Not to say that I didn't miss the chaos and hope we can resume it all next year!

Friday, after seeing the possible weather forecast, all of us decided that we did not want to go to the Auburn - I know, Crazy!!! So instead we opted to try and sell our tickets on eBay. And that we did - so not only were we able to watch the game on big screen in the comfort of dry warmth, in recliners, enjoying some munchies, and watching the Tide Roll, but we also were able to pad our pockets with a little cash! Sweet!!! Now, what am I going to spend my $200 on? Hummmm?

We also had the chance to put the finishing touches on our decorations at home (I will post a picture when I have more time). And our elf has been up to NOOO GOOOODD! Our elf, affectionately named Snowflake, has been visting us since last weekend. Sam says we may have been a little premature on his visits because we are already running out of ideas. My favorite Snowflake moment so far was last Wednesday:

I had been trying to get things prepped and prepared as much as possible so that all I had to do Thursday was put it all in the oven so I let the girls just have a hay-day in the playroom - so long as they didn't bug Mom! Ha, that was just a dream! Anyway, after I was finished I went to the playroom and it looked like Toys R Us had puked in the floor of our playroom! I was sooo tired and exhausted (and didn't feel great from the lovely productive cough I had) that we put the girls to bed and I didn't even think about the playroom OR Snowflake. I would just worry about all of it in the morning before the girls woke up. Well, morning came a little faster than I wanted and the next thing I know, both girls were in our bed wide-eyed and bushy tailed! It immediately hit me - oh no, I forgot Snowflake!!! I looked at Sam with those "oh, sh**" eyes and said I would be right back. He quickly mumbled "it's done." So off we all went to see what Snowflake had done ( I think I was more anxious than the girls). We finally found Snowflake - he had cleaned the playroom spotless, left a note to the girls (reminding them that Santa would be very upset if they let the playroom get messy again), and he had hopped on Lucy (one of the 100 horses we have) and was standing on top of the ceiling fan! It was perfect!! Man I love that Snowflake!!! I wish he would continue this kind of mischief all year!

Other than this great event, Snowflake has rolled our Christmas tree (before it was decorated, of course), taken ornaments off the kids tree in the playroom, taken the stockings down, made a bed out of a Dora lunchbox and slept with a stuffed giraffe, made snow angels on our kitchen table, and made a mess out of cereal in the pantry. Like I said, we are running out of ideas - please provide some new ones if you have any!!!

Sorry for the long post, but it's been a long week and lots of activities! By the way, Mary Mac trotted yesterday at her horseback riding lesson - actually she trotted 4 times and trotted a post (basically that means that they put a pole on the ground and the horse trotted over it). She was so proud and excited! She is riding a horse named James Brown - gott love the name! Her only problem is that her legs aren't quite long enough so when she kicks him to make him go, she's really just tapping his sides and not his underbelly! (not sure if that is the correct term, but I'm sure Sam will correct me) Oh well, she will grow!