Friday, August 07, 2009

Baby Collins #3. . .

I thought that would be a great (and funny) lead in to this post today. Admit it, how many of you gasped and thought, "Oh my goodness! After her last post about taking a break from diapers and babies?!" Ha Ha - joke's on you! Scroll down for pictures of our newest addition . . . Sophie. We just picked her up yesterday afternoon and I don't think her big puppy paws have touched the floor for more than 30 seconds since we have been home. Mary Mac is in awe of her and will not let her out of her sight. Anna, you ask? Well, let's just say it is going to take some getting used to for her. It is evident that she is not in favor of being a middle child at this point. She has always been timid of dogs and Sam has been on me about getting a pet/puppy for the girls so that Anna would hoefully get over this fear of four legged friends! We shall see! Sophie is the sweetest puppy and so cute. If you couldn't tell, she is a Blue Weimeraner. My family had one when I was in high school and my parents had to give her up several years ago due to her age and declining health, so this new puppy is bitter sweet for my parents, but (I think) they have already fallen in love with her. I know we certainly have fallen in love!



Jana said...

too cute! Your girls will get plenty of exercise chasing her:)

Jamie Cormier Photography said...

so cute!!!! That's the best gift anyone can receive!

Maggie Pelton said...

Of course, I totally gasped!! Sophie's adorable!

Sue said...

So sneaky, Leigh! :) Sophie is beautiful. I think those dogs are so cute!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Very sneaky! Sophie is beautiful!

Kellie said...

Hey! You are going to LOVE her! I have to bring the kids by to play with her - you know we have a WEimeraner, Daisy - she's not a blue, but we love her like our own child - they are THE BEST dogs!!!!