Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Anna's Check-up

Stay tuned. . . we go back to Anna's cardiologists Thursday for her annual (hopefully still annual) echocardiogram and check-up. We would appreciate any and all prayers that she will continue to do as well as she has and that we will not have to come back for at least another year or longer! My prayer is that her little body and heart will continue to grow and adapt to her defect and she will not have to have surgery to correct it! Just fyi. . .she has pulmonic stenosis, which basically means that the valve leading from her heart to her lungs is thickened and does not open as fully as it should. We have decided to take MMC with us to this visit. We have told MMC about Anna having a special heart, but we think that she is old enough now to somewhat understand that at some point Anna could have to have surgery and we don't want it to be sudden (in her eyes). We also have tried to tread that thin line of not making Anna's heart an issue, so that Anna and MMC don't think she is really any different than anyone else.

1 comment:

Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

adding anna to my prayer list for tomorrow's appt!