Now, for the true reason for this post. It is this time of year that I really wish it was safe to bathe in Static Guard! Seriously, I have the most extreme aversion for static and shocking things and people! The thought of the sound of static on your clothes makes my skin crawl! So, Anna has figured out that the recliner in our den is the Mecca of all static! She thinks it is hilarious to roll around in the chair and then chase after someone to shock them. UUGGHHH, is my reaction! And poor Sophie has now become the prime target for her. Sam got her to shock Sophie on her tail and now this is where she aims every time! Sophie is so starved for attention, though, that she loves it. Poor dog!
Yesterday, after spending most of the morning cleaning up the playroom -oh, if you could have only seen it; I should have taken a picture, but then again, I'm not sure I would want to continue to see it in that shape ever again - we had a full day of running around.We checked in on Kate and Tripp and lended a helping hand to the breastfeeding process (which we were successful). Since I don't have a sister, I feel so fortunate that she feels as close to me as her own sister and sincerely wanted my help and was comfortable enough to ask and let me help! Although I was not very successful with the breastfeeding process, I am VERY passionate about it and want it to work so badly for her! Then, I picked MM up for her riding lesson and watched her for a little while before heading back to the preschool to get A. Then back to the barn to help MM un-tack her horse. We then we headed over to a friends house who was having 2 kids trunk shows in 1 place (her house). It was like a little playgroup for both girls. There were several of their little friends there while their mom's shopped. They had a ball. It was so funny too b/c all of the little girls were running around in the sample clothes - swim suits, sundresses, etc. - even though it was still FREEZING outside. But it did make me start wishing for the warm weather to return seeing all of the cute summer-y clothes! We didn't get home until 7:00 and I had not even cooked dinner yet.
That's it for today - sorry no pictures today! We are taking the girls to the AL Gymnastics meet against GA tonight and I cannot wait to see what A thinks! This will be her first! Stay tuned - maybe I will take some pictures!
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